command-apropos - List commands involving a concept
command-apropos "string" (C-h a)
command-apropos compiles a list of all commands with string in their name, also giving their current key bindings.
To find all of the commands with "command" in their name space then issue the command "C-h a command" which generates a list of commands such as:-
abort-command ................. "C-g" "esc C-g" "C-x C-g" command-apropos ............... "C-h a" command-complete execute-named-command ......... "esc x" help-command .................. "C-h C-c" ipipe-shell-command ........... "esc \\" list-commands ................. "C-h c" pipe-shell-command ............ "esc !" "esc @" "C-x @" shell-command
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1998/09/09
Generated On: 1999/12/01