copy-region - Copy a region of the buffer
copy-region (esc w)
copy-region copies all the characters between the cursor and the mark set with the set-mark(2) command into the kill buffer (so they can later be yanked elsewhere).
If the last command also entered text into the kill buffer (or the @cl(4) variable is set to one of these commands) the copy-region text is appended to the last kill.
To copy text from one place to another, using the copy-region command, the following operations are performed:
Repeat the last two steps to insert further copies of the same text.
Windowing systems such as X-Windows and Microsoft Windows utilize a global windowing kill buffer allowing data to be moved between windowing applications (cut buffer and clipboard, respectively). Within these environments MicroEmacs '99 automatically interacts with the windowing systems kill buffer, the last MicroEmacs '99 copy-region entry is immediately available for a paste operation into another windowing application.
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1999/02/28
Generated On: 1999/12/01