kill-paragraph - Delete a paragraph
n kill-paragraph (esc C-w)
kill-paragraph deletes the next n paragraphs, if n is +ve then the paragraph the cursor is currently in and the next n-1 paragraphs are killed. If n is -ve then the current paragraph and the previous n-1 paragraphs are killed. If n is zero the command simply returns. The default value for n is 1.
The following errors can be generated, in each case the command returns a FALSE status:
[end of buffer]
[top of buffer]
A paragraph is terminated by a blank line. All text residing between two blank lines is considered to be a paragraph - regardless of the text layout.
The distinction between killed text and deleted text is that text which is killed is placed into the yank buffer so that it can be pasted into any buffer using yank(2).
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1997/08/04
Generated On: 1999/12/01