universal-argument - Set the command argument count
universal-argument (C-u)
universal-argument sets the argument number passed to a command to 4^n (4 to the power of n) where n is the number of calls to universal-argument, e.g. the key sequence "C-uC-n" moves down 4 lines, "C-uC-uC-uC-n" moves down 4*4*4 = 64 lines.
After invoking the universal-command a '-' character can be pressed to negate the argument value, and an alternative numeric argument can be entered using the '0' to '9' keys.
Invoking this command via execute-named-command(2) or by a macro has no effect. The command should be treated as a command key prefix (like prefix(2)) in that it may be bound to only one key sequence which must be a single key stroke. Re-binding this command to another key unbinds the new key and also the current universal-argument key.
The prefix 1 key (by default bound to esc) may also be used to enter a numeric argument at the message line, e.g. "esc 1 0 C-f" will move forward 10 characters.
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1998/12/05
Generated On: 1999/12/01