screen-update - Force screen update
n screen-update (redraw)
screen-update updates the current screen, usually used in macros. If the argument n is 0 then only the parts of the screen which require updating are redrawn, else the screen is completely cleared and redrawn (as if garbled).
Every time the screen requires updating, MicroEmacs '99 executes the redraw key, it is similar in mechanism to the user pressing C-l to refresh the screen. Also the user can re-bind the redraw key to another command or macro, there by allowing the user complete control of what is displayed. For example if redraw was bound to void(2) the screen would not be up-dated, this is difficult to get out of and many require MicroEmacs '99 to be killed.
This feature is often exploited by macros which take control of the input and output, such macros include Metris(3), and Mahjongg(3).
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1999/01/27
Generated On: 1999/12/01