paragraph-to-line - Convert a paragraph to a single line
n paragraph-to-line
paragraph-to-line is a variation of fill-paragraph(2). paragraph-to-line reduces each of the next n paragraphs of text to single lines. This command is typically used to prepare text for import into a word processor such as Microsoft Word or Word Perfect. Reduction of text to a single line allows the word processor to import the raw text file and keep the text within paragraph blocks. If the text is not prepared then all of the line-feeds have to be manually deleted.
paragraph-to-line allows text based documents to be prepared in MicroEmacs '99 and imported into the word processor at the final stage for formatting and layout.
paragraph-to-line is a macro defined in format.emf.
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1998/09/02
Generated On: 1999/12/01