Match-It - MicroEmacs '99 version of the Match-It game
The object of the game is to score the largest number of points, to do this the player must complete as many sheets as possible. A sheet is completed when all the tiles are removed from the board within the given time limit - ALL sheet are possible. If the player fails to remove all the tiles before the time runs out a life is lost, if all lives have been lost then the game is over.
Tiles are removed from the board by matching two identical tiles which have an 'extraction' path between them. The only exception to this rule is that any open "flower" tile (bamboo [BAMB], orchid [ORCH], plum [PLUM], or chrysanthemum [CHRY]) matches any other open "flower" tile and any open "season" tile (spring, summer, autumn, or winter) matches any other open "season" tile.
An 'extraction' path is a straight line which uses 2 or less right angles, the following are legal extraction paths, '*'s denote the right angles:
A---* *-----* A----* A----A A AXXXXXA XXXXX| A----*
The following are illegal paths:
*----* *---* AXXXX| |XXXA XXXXA* A---*XXXX
2 points are added to the score whenever a pair is successfully removed, a point is deducted whenever a pair is selected which can not be removed because there is no valid extraction path. There are 2 aids, pressing the right button on a tile when no other tile is selected will hilight all tiles of matching type, this costs 4 points. The other help is activated by a button at the top right of the screen and it removes a random removable pair (or informs the user that there are no removable pairs), there are a limited number of these helps.
At the end of a successful sheet the score is increased be the time left, the number of lives and helps remaining and by the Pedigree and Internal bonuses if they were achieved.
The Pedigree bonus is obtained when only identical tiles are paired, i.e. no differing flowers or seasons were paired, 50 points are awarded when achieved. Its status is indicated by a 'P' to the left of the 'Help' button and the top of the window.
The internal bonus is obtained when the outer 4 margins are not used. If the left or right margins are not used then 10 points are awarded for each, if the top or bottom are not used then 20 points are awarded for each and if none are used then 400 points are awarded! The status on the Internal bonus is indicated by an 'I' surrounded by '*'s, one for each margin. This can be found next to the Pedigree bonus 'P'.
To the right of the high score table on the main menu there are a number of control buttons. To select an option, click the left mouse button on it.
During a sheet, to remove a pair of tiles, click the left mouse button on a tile (which will show in the selection color) and then click the left mouse button on the matching tile. At this point, if the tiles can be removed, the extraction path is drawn and both tiles will disappear from the board. If after selecting the first tile, you decide that you don't wish to play that tile, simply reclick the left button on the selected tile, alternatively click the right button to deselect any selected tile.
To the top right of the sheet there are a number of control buttons:-
The top left shows the number of remaining lives, the current sheet level, the current score, time remaining for the current sheet and the status of the Internal and Pedigree bonuses.
Match-It is a macro defined in matchit.emf.
Match-It may only be played with a mouse, there is no keyboard support, with the exception of the re-start keys.
The sheet database file matchit.edf must be accessible for Match-It to work.
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1998/09/02
Generated On: 1999/12/01