auto-spell - Auto-spell support auto-spell - Auto-spell whole buffer
auto-spell-reset - Auto-spell hilight reset
n auto-spell
auto-spell enables and disables the auto spell checking of the current buffer. Auto spell detects word breaks as you type and checks the spelling of every completed word hilighting any erroneous words in the error color scheme (usually red).
The argument n determines whether auto-spell is enabled or disabled, a +ve argument enables and a -ve argument disables. If no argument or 0 is supplied the auto-spell state is toggled.
auto-spell-buffer checks the whole of the current buffer for spelling mistakes, hilighting any erroneous words in the error color scheme.
auto-spell-reset resets the buffer hilighting scheme, removing any added erroneous words.
auto-spell and auto-spell-reset are macros defined in spellaut.emf.
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1999/11/30
Generated On: 1999/12/01