spell-buffer - Spell check the current buffer
spell-word - Spell check a single word
spell-edit-word - Edits a spell word entry
find-word - Find a using spelling dictionaries
n spell-word ["word"] (esc $)
spell-edit-word ["word"]
find-word ["word"]
MicroEmacs '99 provides an integrated spell checker with the following features:-
spell-buffer spell checks the current buffer, from the current position, to the end of the buffer. On invocation, an osd(2) dialog is opened and any corrections are made through this interface.
The dialog provides the user with an interface from which a new spelling may be selected, in addition new words may be added to the spelling dictionary. The dialog entries are defined as follows:-
Replace All
Ignore All
Undo Last
spell-word checks a single word which is either supplied by the user, or if an argument is given, the word under (or to the left of) the cursor position. If the word is correct, a simple message-line print-out is given, otherwise the main spell osd dialog is opened and the user may check the spelling within the context of the spell dialog as described above.
The default key binding of "esc $" supplies an argument forcing spell-word to check the current buffer word. spell-word is often used to check the spelling of a word outside of the context of the editor (i.e. when working on paper, or when doing at that prize crossword !!).
spell-edit-word allows words in dictionaries to be altered as well as new words and auto-corrections to be defined. On invocation, an osd dialog is opened and changes are made through this interface, defined as follows:-
No word set
New Word
BE CAREFUL WITH THE CASE OF THE BASE WORD: new words that are entered are case sensitive, as a general rule the word in the Word text box should be edited to it's base form and should be presented in lower case characters (unless it is a proper name, in which case it should be capitalized, or is an abbreviation or acronym when it might be upper case).
When the appropriate derivatives of the new word have been selected, it may be added to the dictionary using the Add button. This adds the word to the users personal dictionary. Please note that if there are numerous standard words missing then check that an extended dictionary (designated by Ext in the language) is being used, the extended dictionaries more than double the repertoire of words available.
Words added to the dictionary may be subsequently removed using the Delete button, typing the existing word in the Word entry and selecting Delete button removes the existing word.
Entering an exiting auto-correct word into the dialog and selecting Delete removes an existing auto-correct entry.
find-word opens the word finder dialog. This allows the user to search for a word using a simple search criteria. (This is ideal for cheating at crosswords !!). The word to be searched for is entered into the Word Mask and may use wild cards * to represent any number of characters, ? to represent an unknown character and [..] for a range of characters.
For example, searching for t?e?e presents the list theme, there and these. Searching for t*n lists all of the words beginning with t and ending in n. See $find-words(5) for a full discription of the format used by search engine.
The words that match are returned in the scrolling dialog, and may be selected with the mouse (or cursor keys). The Insert button inserts the selected word into the current buffer or into the Word entry if executed from the spell-buffer dialog. Note that the list presented is limited to 200 words, selecting next gets the next 200 words, and so on. The Exit button exits the dialog.
The words added to the speller during a MicroEmacs session are saved when the editor is closed. The user is prompted to save the dictionary, if the dictionary is not saved then any words added are lost.
All ignore words accumulated during a spell session are lost when the editor is closed. In order to retain ignore words, it is suggested that they are added to the personal dictionary rather than be ignored.
The personal spelling dictionary is typically called <user><type>.edf, and is stored in the default user location. The dictionary names are specified in the user-setup(3) dialog.
find-word may claim to have found more words than are actually listed. The use of derivatives in the spell algorithm allows a single word to be present several times. find-word counts each occurrence but it is only listed once.
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1999/02/10
Generated On: 1999/12/01