$c-brace - C-mode; brace indentation
$c-brace integer; Default is -4
-n <= integer <= n
$c-brace is part of the cmode(2m) environment for C programmers.
Sets the indent of a '{' and a '}' on a new line, from the current indent. For example, using the default settings, if the current indent was 20 then a line starting with a '{' or a '}' would be indented to 16, i.e.
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx { xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx } xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
This may seem strange, but the current indent is the indent of the last '{' (or "if", "else" etc.) plus $c-statement(5) which is 4, so this brings it back into line with '{''s, "if"'s and "else"'s etc., e.g.
if(xxxxxx) { xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx }
With a setting of -2, this would become:-
if(xxxxxx) { xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx }
This works in conjunction with $c-statement(5), a change to $c-statement will change the position of '{'s.
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1998/08/27
Generated On: 1999/12/01