$c-continue - C-mode; line continuation indent
$c-contmax - C-mode; line continuation maximum indent
$c-continue integer; Default is 10
-n <= integer <= n
$c-contmax integer; Default is 16
-n <= integer <= n
$c-continue and $c-contmax are part of the cmode(2m) environment for C programmers.
$c-continue sets the indent to be added to a split line, i.e. for an indent of 20, a continued statement would be indented to 30. A continued statement is a single c statement which is spread over 2 or more lines, the 2nd and any following lines would be indented to 30. For example
thisIsAVeryLongVariableWhichMeansAssignmentsAreSplit = ThisIsTheFirstContinuedStatementLine + ThisIsTheSecondContinuedStatementLine + etc ;
The indent is changed if there is an open bracket, continued statements are indented to the depth of the open bracket plus one, e.g.
func(firstFuncArg, secondFuncArg, anotherBracketForFun(firstAnotherBracketForFunArg, secondAnotherBracketForFunArg), thirdFuncArg) ;
$c-contmax sets an upper limit of the indentation where an open bracket is encountered, in the case where the leading indent of the function name and open bracket exceeds $c-contmax, then the continuation is reduced to the continuation indent.
The effect of $c-contmax is described as follows; if $c-contmax is set to a large value then the default open brace offset appearence is:-
longVariable = LongFunctionNameWhichMeans(isSoFar, OverAndYouRunOutOfRoom) ;
Setting $c-contmax to 16 gives:
longVariable = LongFunctionNameWhichMeans(isSoFar, overAndYouRunOutOfRoom) ;
Where by the second argument indent has been artificially reduced because of it's length.
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1999/09/24
Generated On: 1999/12/01