buffer-mode - Change a local buffer mode
named-buffer-mode - Change a named buffer mode
add-mode - Set a local buffer mode
delete-mode - Remove a local buffer mode
unmark-buffer - Remove buffer change flag
n buffer-mode "mode" (C-x m)
n named-buffer-mode "buffer-name" "mode"
add-mode "mode"
delete-mode "mode"
buffer-mode changes the state of a given buffer mode, affecting only the current buffer. A buffer's mode affects the behavior of MicroEmacs '99. The about(2) command gives a list of the current global and buffer modes. Refer to Operating Modes for a description of the buffer modes.
The argument n when given, has the following meaning:
Delete Add toggle Mode -1 1 0 Use "mode" -2 2 130 auto -3 3 131 autosv -4 4 132 backup -5 5 133 binary -6 6 134 cmode -7 7 135 crlf -8 8 136 crypt -9 9 137 ctrlz -10 10 138 del -11 11 139 dir -12 12 140 edit -13 13 141 exact -14 14 142 hide -15 15 143 indent -16 16 144 justify -17 17 145 letter -18 18 146 line -19 19 147 lock -20 10 148 magic -21 21 149 nact -22 22 150 narrow -23 23 151 over -24 24 152 pipe -25 25 153 quiet -26 26 154 save -27 27 155 tab -28 28 156 time -29 29 157 undo -30 30 158 usr1 -31 31 159 usr2 -32 32 160 usr3 -33 33 161 usr4 -34 34 162 usr5 -35 35 163 usr6 -36 36 164 usr7 -37 37 165 usr8 -38 38 166 view -39 39 167 wrap
Note that when omitted the default argument is 0, i.e. prompt for and toggle a mode.
named-buffer-mode changes the state of a given buffer mode for a given buffer which may not be the current buffer.
add-mode and delete-mode are macros which use buffer-mode to add and remove a buffer mode. unmark-buffer is also a macro which removes the edit flag from the current buffer. They are defined for backward compatibility with MicroEMACS v3.8 and can be found in me3_8.emf; add-mode is defined as follows:
define-macro add-mode ; Has the require mode been given as an argument, if so add it !force 1 buffer-mode @1 !if ¬ $status ; No - use 1 buffer-mode to add a mode !nma 1 buffer-mode !endif !emacro
When a buffer is created it inherits the current global mode state.
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1999/11/29
Generated On: 1999/12/01