help - Help; high level introduction to help
help-command - Help; command information
help-variable - Help; variable information
help-item - Help; item information
n help (esc ?)
help-command "command" (C-h C-c)
help-variable "variable" (C-h C-v)
help-item "item" (C-h C-i)
The help commands provide a quick on-line help facility within MicroEmacs '99 without invoking a third party documentation system (e.g. a browser such as Netscape(1) or winhelp(1)).
The on-line help is assisted by a set of macros which enable key words within the help buffers to be located by either tagging (esc t) or by selection with the left mouse button. The tag mechanism supports command completion.
help provides general help on the philosophy and functionality of MicroEmacs '99, if an argument n of 0 is given to the command it changes the current buffer to the internal help buffer, typically named "*on-line help*". This is a hidden system buffer used to store all the on-line help and can be used for a variety of things. Note that access to this buffer must be via the help command, not find-buffer and the help command will also ensure the system help file is loaded first.
help-command describes the purpose of the given command.
help-variable Describes the purpose of the given variable, similar to help-command, only for variables.
help-item Describes the purpose of any given item, where item could be a command, variable or any aspect of MicroEmacs '99.
The help files are ASCII text files located in the MicroEmacs '99 home directory. The files are defined as follows:-
me.ehf - Help text file.
hkehf.emf - Help macros.
osd-help(3), command-apropos(2), describe-bindings(2), describe-key(2), list-commands(2), list-variables(2).
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1999/11/28
Generated On: 1999/12/01