ml-bind-key - Create key binding for message line
ml-unbind-key - Remove key binding from message line
ml-bind-key creates a key binding local to the message line input buffer. There are several commands that can be used in message line input, each command is associated with a main buffer editing command and inherits all that commands global bindings, i.e. moving forward 1 character is associated with the command
forward-char(2) and thus inherits the binding C-f (as well as any other like the right cursor key). The following is a list of available commands, what they do and their associated commands
Cursor Movement
- Quote a character, command:
quote-char (C-q)
- Yank kill buffer into message line, command:
yank (C-y)
- insert current buffers current line into the buffer, command:
insert-newline (C-o)
- insert current buffers file name into the buffer, command:
insert-file-name (C-x C-y).
- insert current buffers buffer name into the buffer, command:
reyank (esc y)
- delete backward 1 character, command:
backward-delete-char (C-h)
- delete forward 1 character, command:
- kill text from current position to end of line, command:
kill-line (C-k).
- erase whole line, command
kill-region (C-w). Note that in incremental searches this is used to add the current word to the search string.
MicroEmacs '99 stores the last 20 entries of each kind (command, buffer, file, search and general which is also saved in the history file so the state of the history is retained when next loaded. The following commands can be used to manipulate the history.
When entering a command, file, buffer or a mode name MicroEmacs '99 creates a list of possible completions the following operations can be performed on this list.
- expand. This completes the given input until the first ambiguous character, command: a space (' ') or
tab (C-i).
- expand to the previous completion (loops through the completion list, command:
backward-line (C-p)
- expand to the next completion (loops through the completion list, command:
forward-line (C-n)
- create a listing of all completions, command: a double expansion, i.e. 2 spaces or
tabs. The first expands and the second creates the list.
- page up the completion list buffer,
scroll-up (C-z)
- page down the completion list buffer,
scroll-down (C-v)
- abort input, returning failure to the input,
abort-command (C-g)
- re-fresh the message line, command:
recenter (C-l)
- finish input, command
newline (C-m, return)
- transpose previous character with current character, command:
transpose-chars (C-t)
- capitalize the next word, command:
capitalize-word (esc c)
- Turn the whole of the next word to lower case letters, command:
upper-case-word (esc u)
- Turn the whole of the next word to upper case letters, command:
lower-case-word (esc l)
ml-unbind-key unbinds a user created message line key binding, this command effects only the message line key bindings.
ml-bind-key tab esc esc
The prefix commands cannot be rebound with this command.
Command key response time will linearly increase with each local binding.
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1999/01/27
Generated On: 1999/12/01