MicroEmacs '99 RCS support command. The action of this command depends on the current buffer
view(2m) mode state and the existence of an RCS file.
view-mode ON; RCS file does not exist
Removes buffer view mode to enable the user to edit the file.
view-mode ON; RCS file exists
MicroEmacs '99 attempts to check out the file using the command line given by the variable
$rcs-cou-com(5) (co unlock). The file is then reloaded and the view mode status re-evaluated.
view-mode OFF; RCS file does not exist
MicroEmacs '99 attempts to check-in the file into RCS for the first time using the command-line given by the variable
$rcs-cif-com(5) (ci first). The file is then reload.
view-mode OFF; RCS file exists
MicroEmacs '99 attempts to check-in the file into RCS using the command-line given by the variable
$rcs-ci-com(5). The file is then reload.
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1998/07/10
Generated On: 1999/12/01