crypt - Encrypted file mode
crypt Mode
Y - mode line letter.
crypt mode enables encrypted files to be loaded and saved for security purposes. The key can be set at any time using the command set-encryption-key(2). Warning, take care if setting this as a global mode, it can have side-effects.
The encryption algorithm is a Beaufort Cipher with a variant key. This is reasonably difficult to decrypt. When you write out text, if crypt mode is active and there is no encryption key, MicroEmacs '99 will ask:
Encryption String:
Type in a word or phrase of at least five and up to 128 characters for the encryption to use. If you look at the file which is then written out, all the printable characters have been scrambled. To read such a file later, use find-cfile(2) to load ciphertext files, you will be asked the encryption key before the file is read.
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1998/07/10
Generated On: 1999/12/01