set-language - Set the current language
set-language "language"
set-language sets the current language in MicroEmacs. The language setting affects the following areas:-
The standard release of MicroEmacs '99 supports the following languages:-
American American (Ext) British British (Ext)
The extended languages (Ext) are identical to their base languages except spell(2) uses the extended dictionary in addition to the basic dictionary, doubling the dictionary size.
Other languages have been supported by MicroEmacs '99, i.e. French, Spanish.
To support a new language the following steps should be taken:-
; define the rule-init command to initialize the language define-macro rules-init !emacro ; Get a list of rule letters which are used set-variable %spell-rules "HIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ; reset the spell rules 0 add-spell-rule ; Now add the dutch spell rules 2 add-spell-rule "J" "e" "e" "\xEDsimo" ; grande grand'isimo . .
Note the empty rules-init command must be defined, the rule file may be large (Spanish is 4000 lines) and should only be loaded on demand, not by default at start-up. Defining the empty rules-init command and using the define-macro-file(2) command is the method employed by MicroEmacs to load the rule file on demand.
; Create any key translations required to insert accent letters translate-key "A-C-[" 0x94 . . ; Add the standard dictionary add-dictionary "dutch" ; expand the normal letter range to include the accent letters, ; make sure they're disablyable, pokable set-char-mask "dpa" "\xC1\xE1Aa\xC9\xE9Ee..." 0 define-macro language-tidy -1 set-char-mask "a" "\xC1\xE1\xC9\xE9..." !emacro 0 define-macro-file dutchr spell-rules-init
Note the language-tidy command MUST be defined and should restore any changes it may have made to the character sets.
set-variable %language-names "|American|American (Ext)... ...|British|British (Ext)|Dutch|" set-variable %language-val "|1american|2american... ...|1british|2british|1dutch|"
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1999/08/25
Generated On: 1999/12/01