regex-forward - Search for a magic string in the forward direction
regex-backward - Search for a magic string in the backward direction
n regex-forward "string"
n regex-backward "string"
regex-forward searches for a regular expression string from the current cursor position to the end of the file. A case insensitive regular expression search is performed regardless of the magic(2m) and exact(2m) mode settings.
The numeric argument n is interpreted as follows:-
n > 0
n < 0
regex-backward searches backwards in the file. In all other ways it is like regex-forward.
The command returns a status of FALSE if the string could not be located (or nth string where n occurrences are requested). If the string is found within the given search criteria the return status is TRUE.
The regex-forward and regex-backward commands are not publically available from the command line, but may be used within macros to perform regular expression searches regardless of the user mode settings.
These commands are implemented as macros in utils.emf.
Regular Expressions
(c) Copyright JASSPA 1999
Last Modified: 1999/06/24
Generated On: 1999/12/01