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This is beta software, It works for me without a lot of hassle but please backup your files regulary.There is no warranty of any kind.

Yes, a MetaKitViewer implemented in Tcl !

I wrote this because I was wondering that there is mk4tcl but still no MetaKitViewer in Tcl.

11.11.2004 Version 0.4b5
   * some bugfixes, thanks to Gerald Lester for reporting them
22.01.2004 Version 0.4b3
   * fixing some export table bugs for comma and semikolon support

10.12.2003 Version 0.4b2
    * fixing a sort bug which was introduced at switching from MK-API to Oomk-API
November 2003 V0.4b1
   *	export into sqlite files if tclsqlite is available
   *	more oomk operations, unique, intersection etc
   *	column renaming for columns with same name in join
   *	join one one or two columns
   *	export join into file
   *	setting from double click to right click inside the views-table for executing a select statement
   *	oomk operations unique, pairs, intersections, joins ...
   *	fixing visibility statusbar on small screens
   *	busy bugfixes
   *	interface tweaking
September 2003 V0.3 first public release
   * New Views can be added and modified
   * Existing views can be deleted or renamed
   * Several views or selections can be openened in parallel into different notebook-tabs (try right click on the notebook)
   * Sorting Views via viewname or columnnames 
   * Browsing of starkit files
   * Editing subviews
   * Special table `mk_column_values´ for restricting editing of values
   * A row in the view is now editable via doubleclick adapted from Jeff Godfrey's mk_manager see:
   * Record editing is type specific (thx to the wcb-package Csaba Nemethy
   * New rows can inserted, appended or deleted
   * If cell contains filename of existing file mouse-right-click tries to view this file inside the application
  import / export 
   * Improved table import with suppport for various file formats (tab,comma, semikolon delimited)
   * Possibility to ommit importing some columns during import
   * Improved export with different formats
   * Minor bugfixes and improvements
A sample database implementing the 'mk_column_values' table is here!

See downloads for downloading and installing the software.

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