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An SQLite-Database Client which allows to import, export and query sqlite-databases.


  • Versions for SQLite 2 and 3
  • attach diferent databases
  • import tables into the database
  • various import formats (space, tab, comma delimited ...)
  • skip or rename columns during import
  • export tables
  • saves history of SQL commands
  • sql-editor with syntax-hilighting
  • creating and storing views via select statements

Version 0.7 Revision 1.28

   * Two versions for SQLite2 and SQLite3

Version 0.6.3 Revision 1.20-1.27

   *	1.26 Logging into log file containing the date inside the filename
   *    1.25 Adding options menu, adding logging facility, logs are going into
           the home directory
   *    1.24 lower  limit = 200;  import  key, bugfix for GUI with  index,pkey
          also if selected an existing table
   *    1.23 fixing  dbsqlite  class with using command sqldb, adding  primary
          key column,    and indexing for importing tables
   *	1.22 disabled widget-console because it causes crash on OSF1
   *	1.21 fixing an order bug, if the column was not in the newly selected table
   *	1.20  fixed editable column for table creation statement

Version 0.6.2 Revision: 1.13-1.19

   *	new color for indexed tables and * for columns
   *	removing parenthesis from column headers before importing
   *	extension for csv-files is csv not cvs, fixed
   *	fixing limited export

Version 0.6.1 Revision 1.10-1.12

   *	added sglStatementCreator widget foreach notebook page; added editor widget
   *	added editor tab for textfiles
   *	faster reloading after altering the db-schema
   *	some namespace fixes, some more keywords
   *	adjusting procedure names to tclStyleGuide
   *	extensive refactoring, namespaces, dbsqlite, etc
   *	better column extraction via 'sql eval .... val'

Version 0.5.9

   *	added NoteBook for data-table
   *	fixed update problems
   *	Adding size column for tables
   *	Adding table popup for overwriting old tables in import Dialog, 
         thereof avoiding rewriting all columnames and colTypes inside the import frame
   *	possiblity to import rows inside existing table instead of overwriting old table

21.4.2004 Version 0.5.8

   *	updating the windows-exe to tcl8.4.6
   *	parsing command line arguments to load files passed via commandline
   *	updating libsqlite to 2.8.13
   *	fixing a column renaming bug if using DISTINCT

13.02.2004 Version 0.5.7

   *	updating libsqlite to 2.8.12
   *	support for viewing indexes in the tree

Januar 2004 New Release

21.01.2004 Version 0.5.6
   * updating libsqlite to 2.8.11 fixing some bugs in complex joins where the GUI was never coming back
   * fixing visibility in table import dialog inside scrolledframe
   * automatic column renaming inside import dialog
   * gtklook on UNIX-platforms
   * ini tweakings
   * splash screen during startup

  10.12.2003 Version 0.5.4
   *	remembers last opened directory
   *	fixing missing carriage returns inside sql-editor if opening a file
 07.11.2003 Version 0.5.3
   * Bugfix for importing tables containig quotes

 30.10.2003 Version 0.5.2
   * Bugfix for error if installed  into path  containing  spaces like  "Program  Files"

 26.9.2003 Version 0.5.1
   *	minor bugfixes and improvements during table import
   *	better status reports
   *	bugfix with uppercase tablenames inside the tables popup fixed

23.9.2003 Version 0.5
   *	changed from tixWidgets to BWidgets resulting in easier porting to other platforms and smaller executables
   *	much improved importing mechanism with preview

13.9.2003 Version 0.4
   *	database tree structure with different symbols for tables, views and types
   *	Reorganistation of panedwindows
   *	Changing the application title to dgSQLite
   *	nice windows-icon

See downloads for downloading and installing the software.

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